Losing our Freedom for Food Choices & Our Rights as Americans


Like so many of my fellow bloggers on here today, I too have see the recent news story regarding the child that had their lunch taken away and replaced with an alternative so called “healthier” lunch by their school. I am totally appalled! Anyone can do a simple search online about the contents of those “Chicken Nuggets ” and willl find way more than they bargined for if it’s an accurate representation of the ingredients which would reveal just for starters,  meat being washed by various chemicals like Ammonia (If you really want to call it meat in the first place). Most Chicken nuggets are barely meat but rather, beaks and other parts from the chicken that in past generations, used to be disposed of in the garbage. Even if the homemade sandwich of turkey that was sent with the child to school was processed, it did not contain the breading with all the added high fructose corn syrup & other food additives that can be found in the coating of most “Nuggets”. Eating processed foods such as Chicken Nuggets has been proven to contribute to much of the rise in disease in this country, and when excluded, has proven to prevent Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Attack, Stoke, obesity and the list just goes on and on! There are a multitude of better alternatives such as fermented foods, real veggies, more fruits with lower glucose levels than the bananna and all natural grass-fed organic meats so if they are going to do the “policing” (of which I strongly disagree) , at least they could get it right!

This is also a sad commentary on what is happening in this country and evidence that food safety and nutrition is now in the hands of people with little or no knowlege of what healthy food really is supposed to consist of.  We’ve got to wake people up in this country regarding health with more accurately represented information and even more importantly, the freedoms that we Americans have been losing too often more in today’s “Big Brother” world. Please contine to connect with your Senators and Congress people with feedback on issues such as this example, that clearly show these government agencies need to get out of our homes, kitchens and our lives!  For more sources of  true healthy food, please see some of my links below and thank you for passing the word on regarding this and other health and freedom issues






-DJ Katie 🙂

Simple to be Healthy (With Just a Bit of Homework)



It seems every time I start telling my friends about how I’ve changed my lifestyle and am now eating “organic/healthy”, all I ever hear back is “Oh, rabbit food!” It’s so sad how in this day & age so many American’s  and citizens worldwide alike, still don’t have  a clue about how simple it is to change your lifestyle which in turn could change and possibly save your life.

Folks, it’s all about getting back to basics. It’s about eating the food the way our ancestor’s did for hundreds of years, back in a time when there was virtually no disease compared to today’s world. The only disease back then came mostly from dissentary and lack of sewer and proper waste disposal and was rarely anything remotely close to the out of control statistics of today’s healthcare nightmare. Cancer was virtually unheard of as well as type II diabetes along with many of the other recently named diseases for which never existed just 100 short years ago.

The great thing about eating healthy “real food” (organically grown, non-Genetically Modified, non-chemically sprayed, sourced from animals or plants that have been fed nutritious plants from nutrient rich soil and raised in a humane way) is that it’s so easy and it tastes so good. Thanks to the recent rise in today’s consumer conscience regarding a healthier lifestyle including  better food & more exercise, it is now easier and more convenient to find companies who are popping up in every community from coast to coast, more retail shelf space and more farmers markets that are even showing up indoors in the northern climate in the winter time.

After quite a bit of research over the past several years and a major lifestyle change, I’ve found several great sources of true, wholesome and natural foods with everything from online buying clubs to healthy protein shake and beverages peddlers, including the more recent “green-fed” concept which is a step up from the more often heard term “grass-fed” which takes it a step beyond the typical organic.

It seems even the beer and wine section has been ramping up the organic and natural offerings as well and all this produce and spirits can be found in the typical average grocery store and no longer requires the searching out of a specialty store.

More recently in the news  stores like “Wholefoods” and “Trader Joe’s” (once known for their exclusivity of the healthy fare) have been making the news because it seems they’ve been a bit dishonest on how they are labeling their products regarding GMO’s (Genetically Modified foods). It seems the naturalist consumer is not too happy to find they have been consuming unhealthy products these vendors have been sneaking into their house brands along with the commercialization and recent buyouts of “mom and pop” health food storefronts, from what has become known as the corrupt “big food” industry. It seems after these buyouts, these devious big food companies have been sneaking ingredients into the products while disguising the dead food, dyes, chemicals and additives under new and clever names. I guess that just means we have to do our homework and stick together to spread the word.

Meanwhile you can check out some of these new and popular healthy offers online with a simple google search. I’ve also taken the liberty of listing a few of my favorites here to get you started. Good luck and check back with me soon, hopefully with reports of success once you’ve found out it’s really not that hard to find healthy, tasty products right at your fingertips,  often without ever having to leave the comfort of your own home.




Please feel free to visit my facebook with any questions or comments at:



Cheers to Your Health;

DJ Katie