Healthy Hugs For My Social Networking Friends


It seems all I ever hear about on my social websites lately are constant conversations about “feeling sick and sad” and for some of them, it’s just about every day of the week!

I wish I could bring them all down to sunny Florida, dose them up with some Vitamin D and feed them some healthy organic & all natural food.

I’d take them on a refreshing walk along the beach, throw their junk food, sodas and meds in the trash and then give them a big hug and a boost of self confidence.

Then they would be well on their way to a full, enriched and happy life. (Hey, I’m 49 and I just started this a few short years ago and I’m here to say, it’s never too late!)

What can I say, I love to share my successes and really care about so many of you on my favorite chat/social media sites.

So here’s a huge (((hug across the miles)))

Anytime you all feel like talking about how to live your life without being sick, a good night’s sleep and more energy than you know what to do with,  just let me know-I’d love to help!

DJKatie (aka Rooster)

My New Website



Link to (A healthy organic, non-GMO Buying club online)

Link to Beyond Organic (“Green fed not just Grass Fed” meats, cheeses, energy drinks & organic chocolate as well as snacks & now skin care & personal products as well)

Link to ViSalus (Healthy protein shakes, snacks, energy drinks & vital oils supplements like Omega 3 & anti-aging formulas)

Take the healthy ViSalus 90 day challenge today! The number one challenge program in the world now!

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The Campaign to “Smear” Natural/Alternative Health Freedom Fighters

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Let me pose a simple question: “Why do you think all of these doctors, pharmaceutical, medical equipment companies and fundraising organizations are paying their daily bloggers to smear your favorite Natural/Alternative Health professional & products? The answer is complicated but yet as simple as why so many of us have more recently been labeled “Health Freedom Fighters”:

These determined bloggers have an agenda! Just like they have smeared every Cancer doctor who has come up with a “real” cure; just like every natural health professional that has joined in the ranks of those doctors with conclusive and proven results for a century or more, simply because they have been fighting against a big political machine that threatens to take away all our health freedoms by only pushing “Medication” instead of obvious “prevention” and actual “cures”, that other countries have known about in their cultures for thousands of years. These cultures I speak of have virtually no cancer or disease. Look it up! It’s all there in the history of medicine in books, research & documentation! Hundreds of cultures for thousands of years who’s citizens never got sick, including one such example where the average lifespan is over 100 years! And that’s the average!  Do your homework people! If you can not take the time to do the research and look up the facts that have been placed on paper (and now via the internet and right at our fingertips) for thousands of years combined, I only feel sorry for you and all the people that you continue to push their money making agenda on at the expense of millions of future lives that will be lost, all in the name of lining the pockets of politicians, doctors and other “cronie” capitalists.

If your only defense against these slandering articles is all the propaganda that has been spread out worldwide for years, to further their cause,  you are sadly in trouble and the actual facts literally may leave you without “a leg to stand on” (pardon the pun). These are well known socialist, marxist, eugenic, racist-driven, “population control”  influenced organizations and great “sheeple-creating”  machines for Russia, China, North Korea and other government controlled, regime-like countries and cultures. Their bloggers continue to spew out lies that will follow their agendas with the help of many “so-called” non-profit organizations.

By all means, do your homework and check all the sources of the well-known natural/alternative doctors I call “Health Freedom Fighters”, which can be found published daily in the footnotes of each article. Sources which include the majority of the worlds most highly accomplished health organizations, MD’s, Phd’s and renowned researchers who have been fighting against the lies both in court and in books for almost a century now and have been reduced to being called “whistle-blowers”, “quacks” and other various colorful names, most who have had to leave the US soil,  just to administer their very successful cures! Wake up and read the facts and then get back with me after you’ve really done your research. Clearly many of these “bloggers for hire” out there on the internet, have been brainwashed and “pink washed” for too long or maybe they have been paid just enough money to cover up the corruption that exists in most societies of today. Maybe it is too late for them, but hopefully it’s not too late for you. I urge you all to check the facts and do your research. This could save many lives in the future of our world to come.

As Always, Cheers to your Health, thank you for stopping by and have a wonderful day!

DJ Katie 🙂


Mammograms, “Pink Ribbons” & the “Sell-out” of Women Worldwide


After reading several articles this week that totally contradict the truth about what is actually CAUSING Breast Cancer in women that contain messages spreading the INCORRECT word like wildfire to women, I feel I MUST SPEAK OUT!!

Mammograms ARE causing cancer! They have been for years and yet with so much research in the past decade proving this, still doctors are silent.  Please , I urge you fellow & female bloggers, before you tell women that they are not, please read the REAL STORY about mammograms & how they ARE actually causing Cancer. I have to wonder if some of you out there are getting paid by the Doctors, Insurance Companies & pharmaceautical companies?

Many of you bloggers out there today, apparently didn’t check out my recent blog about the hoax that is being played on women and the lastest documentary titled “Pink Ribbons ” that exposes much of this as well as hundreds of documented research projects that have proven this time and time again. The truth is being suppressed because the business of mammograms is such a huge profit center for Doctors, Medical facilities, Insurance companies & the manufacturers of the equipment.

Please, I urge you to read up on this before you start blogging about one of the largest “scams” on women to ever hit the now

“$1 trillion dollar + industry” of Cancer and the” multi-billion dollar industry” of Breast Cancer. We women need to get the word out and by spreading their lies,  we are just contributing to their very large bank accounts at the expense of women’s lives. I’m sorry to be so harsh but this is a big deal.

Here is my article that offers multiple sources & with links to additional articles as well as a video clip/trailer for the new documentary I spoke of that was just released this past week.

HERE IS THE LINK TO MY BLOG/ARTICLE from this past week:

Here’s another article titled:


(Just one of many with footnotes of all references and research at the bottom)


And here’s one more informative article. There are a large number of resources out there for those of us who are not afraid to google and browse the many hundreds of cancer websites trying desperately to get women to wake up and realize they are being deceived!

Please take the time to check these out and help me get the word out about about the way women have been “played” for billions of dollars, all in the name of filling up these companies bank accounts!

Cheers to your Health and thank you again for listening!

DJ Katie 🙂


New Year’s 2012 (Restoring Freedom)

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New Year’s 2012 (Restoring Freedom).

Just had to do a re-post/blog of this one from the beginning of the year. We need to keep getting the message out about protecting our freedom’s that we keep losing a little more each day here in America. Please read & pass on if you believe in your right to freedom in this country.

Losing our Freedom for Food Choices & Our Rights as Americans


Like so many of my fellow bloggers on here today, I too have see the recent news story regarding the child that had their lunch taken away and replaced with an alternative so called “healthier” lunch by their school. I am totally appalled! Anyone can do a simple search online about the contents of those “Chicken Nuggets ” and willl find way more than they bargined for if it’s an accurate representation of the ingredients which would reveal just for starters,  meat being washed by various chemicals like Ammonia (If you really want to call it meat in the first place). Most Chicken nuggets are barely meat but rather, beaks and other parts from the chicken that in past generations, used to be disposed of in the garbage. Even if the homemade sandwich of turkey that was sent with the child to school was processed, it did not contain the breading with all the added high fructose corn syrup & other food additives that can be found in the coating of most “Nuggets”. Eating processed foods such as Chicken Nuggets has been proven to contribute to much of the rise in disease in this country, and when excluded, has proven to prevent Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Attack, Stoke, obesity and the list just goes on and on! There are a multitude of better alternatives such as fermented foods, real veggies, more fruits with lower glucose levels than the bananna and all natural grass-fed organic meats so if they are going to do the “policing” (of which I strongly disagree) , at least they could get it right!

This is also a sad commentary on what is happening in this country and evidence that food safety and nutrition is now in the hands of people with little or no knowlege of what healthy food really is supposed to consist of.  We’ve got to wake people up in this country regarding health with more accurately represented information and even more importantly, the freedoms that we Americans have been losing too often more in today’s “Big Brother” world. Please contine to connect with your Senators and Congress people with feedback on issues such as this example, that clearly show these government agencies need to get out of our homes, kitchens and our lives!  For more sources of  true healthy food, please see some of my links below and thank you for passing the word on regarding this and other health and freedom issues


-DJ Katie 🙂