Healthy Hugs For My Social Networking Friends


It seems all I ever hear about on my social websites lately are constant conversations about “feeling sick and sad” and for some of them, it’s just about every day of the week!

I wish I could bring them all down to sunny Florida, dose them up with some Vitamin D and feed them some healthy organic & all natural food.

I’d take them on a refreshing walk along the beach, throw their junk food, sodas and meds in the trash and then give them a big hug and a boost of self confidence.

Then they would be well on their way to a full, enriched and happy life. (Hey, I’m 49 and I just started this a few short years ago and I’m here to say, it’s never too late!)

What can I say, I love to share my successes and really care about so many of you on my favorite chat/social media sites.

So here’s a huge (((hug across the miles)))

Anytime you all feel like talking about how to live your life without being sick, a good night’s sleep and more energy than you know what to do with,  just let me know-I’d love to help!

DJKatie (aka Rooster)

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The Campaign to “Smear” Natural/Alternative Health Freedom Fighters

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Let me pose a simple question: “Why do you think all of these doctors, pharmaceutical, medical equipment companies and fundraising organizations are paying their daily bloggers to smear your favorite Natural/Alternative Health professional & products? The answer is complicated but yet as simple as why so many of us have more recently been labeled “Health Freedom Fighters”:

These determined bloggers have an agenda! Just like they have smeared every Cancer doctor who has come up with a “real” cure; just like every natural health professional that has joined in the ranks of those doctors with conclusive and proven results for a century or more, simply because they have been fighting against a big political machine that threatens to take away all our health freedoms by only pushing “Medication” instead of obvious “prevention” and actual “cures”, that other countries have known about in their cultures for thousands of years. These cultures I speak of have virtually no cancer or disease. Look it up! It’s all there in the history of medicine in books, research & documentation! Hundreds of cultures for thousands of years who’s citizens never got sick, including one such example where the average lifespan is over 100 years! And that’s the average!  Do your homework people! If you can not take the time to do the research and look up the facts that have been placed on paper (and now via the internet and right at our fingertips) for thousands of years combined, I only feel sorry for you and all the people that you continue to push their money making agenda on at the expense of millions of future lives that will be lost, all in the name of lining the pockets of politicians, doctors and other “cronie” capitalists.

If your only defense against these slandering articles is all the propaganda that has been spread out worldwide for years, to further their cause,  you are sadly in trouble and the actual facts literally may leave you without “a leg to stand on” (pardon the pun). These are well known socialist, marxist, eugenic, racist-driven, “population control”  influenced organizations and great “sheeple-creating”  machines for Russia, China, North Korea and other government controlled, regime-like countries and cultures. Their bloggers continue to spew out lies that will follow their agendas with the help of many “so-called” non-profit organizations.

By all means, do your homework and check all the sources of the well-known natural/alternative doctors I call “Health Freedom Fighters”, which can be found published daily in the footnotes of each article. Sources which include the majority of the worlds most highly accomplished health organizations, MD’s, Phd’s and renowned researchers who have been fighting against the lies both in court and in books for almost a century now and have been reduced to being called “whistle-blowers”, “quacks” and other various colorful names, most who have had to leave the US soil,  just to administer their very successful cures! Wake up and read the facts and then get back with me after you’ve really done your research. Clearly many of these “bloggers for hire” out there on the internet, have been brainwashed and “pink washed” for too long or maybe they have been paid just enough money to cover up the corruption that exists in most societies of today. Maybe it is too late for them, but hopefully it’s not too late for you. I urge you all to check the facts and do your research. This could save many lives in the future of our world to come.

As Always, Cheers to your Health, thank you for stopping by and have a wonderful day!

DJ Katie 🙂


Mammograms, “Pink Ribbons” & the “Sell-out” of Women Worldwide


Update! Another article published just today with the same findings & subject of  my blog the other day. Same message, more details. Please check them out when you have time & if you didn’t get to read my blog from the other day, please read also here:

Mammograms, “Pink Ribbons” & the “Sell-out” of Women Worldwide.

Here’s the latest article from Dr Mercola that agrees with my blog:

Regarding “Pink Ribbons” & the “Sell-out” of Women Worldwide


Recently there has been a surge of propaganda in the major media along with thousands of tweets, facebook status posts & personal blogs regarding the non-profit cancer organization  Komen. First of all let me state the underlying cause as to why so many of these cancer fundraising organizations like Komen still exist:

Cancer is now a $1 trillion dollar + industry, which is why so many companies, hospitals and doctor’s sadly don’t want to cure it. They can not write a prescription for healthy food, vitamin D from the sun or a healthy lifestyle. There is no money to be made from that & thus the cycle continues & the truth keeps getting buried time & time again.

Getting to the point, much of the NON-mainstream media has been covering the Komen story & stories of similar organizations for years. The reason none of the MAJOR media will cover the “real story” can be traced back to their ties to sponsors & manufacturers in the big food, big medical institutions, big insurance & big pharamaceautical industry. Two of Komen’s biggest sponsors are Pepsi & KFC, whose products have been linked time & time again to causing the very cancer they claim to be fighting against!

Just one very large example of corruption and deception is when they heavily began promoting breast screening loaded with radiation, even though hundreds of studies have been published regarding the safety of them & still they refuse to offer any advice or education to women on this & the alternative screening method which is “Thermography” which has been around for awhile now & is much safer with no radiation exposure. This is similar to the recent TSA screening equipment story, in which the truth has been surpressed also by major media regarding the effects on passengers & now studies are being done on TSA employees’ statistics of specific airports that show new cases of cancer among employees now growing at alarming rates!

They also have known for years that vitamin D levels are directly tied to cancer & refuse to promote this in their clincs & to women & the public.(see below a link to an article I included on this as well)

I am including below just some of the links from various websites that have been crusading for years about the corruption of Komen & other organizations like theirs.  First, let’s start with a link to this “trailer” (video preview) for a new documentary that just came out last week on the real story behind “the big business” of cancer:

“Pink Ribbon’s Inc” is the name of the documentary just released:

Here is another of many recent articles specific to Komen & how they and other cancer organizations have sold out their principles and lined their pockets in the process:

This article is from 2007 & is titled:”Breast Cancer Industry A Scam? Support Education, Not Medication” It references hundreds of sources & is only the tip of the iceberg:

The next link is to an excellent article citing multiple sources from back in 2005 about the proof & what they have known to back up the other articles that I have included above here for quite some time. There are hundreds of articles like these by MD’s & other well known researchers & previous pharmaceutical insiders who have tried to blow the whistle on the scam that has been going on for years that Komen & other organizations like them have been a major part of pushing for their sponsored affiliates all in the name of big profits:

Here is another outstanding article about Vitamin D & what medical experts have known for quite sometime of what getting enough Vitamin D can do to prevent cancer or heal someone who has cancer. As I mentioned before, the Komen organization (and the American Cancer society as well!!) refuse to advise woman about the importance of this prevention & healing method even though all the research then & now even more research today shows it slashes cancer risk by as much as 70%!!

Thanks again for reading my blog. Please let me know if any of you need more sources than the above, as there are thousands of them on the web that have been published worldwide for many years!

Cheers to your Health!

DJ Katie 🙂

Don’t settle for something less than you believe in

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When you stick to your princples and live, act out, vote, survive the criticism, live to tell the story with pride, it’s so much easier to sleep at night & live with yourself, which in the long run makes you a much better person. Don’t settle for something less that what you believe in. Every day above ground is another chance to get it right. You’re not dead yet. Go out & start today!

Regarding a fever: The natural way for thousands of years:

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Regarding antibiotics or drugs for a fever: The suggestion that the intelligent human body would raise its own temperature until it caused brain damage is one of the most patently absurd contentions I have ever heard. Metabolism consists of the absorption of nutrients and the elimination of wastes (toxins). The heat is necessary to accelerate the elimination of toxins, which have accumulated beyond the body’s ability to tolerate them.

* ANOTHER QUOTE FROM A WELL KNOWN DR: “In my over thirty years of experience, I have never seen or even heard of a single person, young or old, who actually died from a fever, unless the fever patient was drugged with antibiotics. A fever is used to facilitate the elimination of toxins. In some instances the burden of a toxic drug, with its own inherent side effects adding to the already existing burden of excess toxins in the body, will injure or kill a fever patient. In other words, it’s the drugs that killed and the fever was blamed.”

 ‎”A DR’s OPINION ON WHAT YOU SHOULD DO: “Do not fear a fever. It is one of the most common and obvious means by which the intelligent body protects itself. A patient with a fever should take no drugs, eat very, very lightly (ideally, fresh fruit and juices exclusively), drink water, stay still, use cool (not cold) compresses on the forehead, chest and back of the neck, and allow the body to do what it is trying to do without interference. The fever will then accomplish its intended task and subside. This is an instance when drugs can only hurt.

 Here’s an excerp from a book that discusses the Lymph system & why it’s so important to practice prevention for health & keep the Lymph system clean, which is exactly what a fever is trying to do to protect your body!

 * “You must be wondering, and rightly so, why, if a clean lymph system is so important to health, it is not more widely understood. The answer is money. There’s no money in it. A clean lymph system prevents ill health before it happens. The entire health-care industry in the United States, which generates $1.3 trillion a year (that’s $3.5 billion every day, weekends included), entirely depends on treating people after they’re sick. There are no products to sell that flush the lymph system and keep it clean.”


One source of this info comes from excerps of a book called “Fit For LIfe Not Fat for Life” by Harvey Diamond who also co-authored a book called “Fit for Life” in 1983. He’s talking about the Lymph system & how there is not as much money in prevention vs the healthcare industry. He has been living a natural lifestyle since the 1970’s & is living proof that letting our bodies heal themselves & prevention is the way to go.

How I slimmed down & changed my lifestyle

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How I slimmed down & changed my lifestyle

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